Current Style: Standard
Periodically, UKeiG offers an award to assist in meeting the costs of a small research project. The award is open to all current, paid-up members of the Group, apart from members of the Management Committee for the year in question and those who have received a Research Award within the last 3 years, who are excluded from applying.
The discretionary award of £1,000 may be made to assist in a single piece of research in the broad area of online, Internet or CD-ROM information supply or use. The award may be used for travel, subsistence, or any other legitimate expenses associated with the research work but will not be awarded to students engaged in academic research, whether full- or part-time. The award need not cover the entire cost of the research, and other funding may be sought. It is intended to help practitioners undertake a piece of research work while they are still employed.
The research must be judged to be original and of value to the general community that UKeiG serves. A condition of the award is that a short report should be presented to the current Committee at the completion of the work; this is normally published in eLucidate.
Nominations should take the form of a short proposal, including details of research question/aims and objectives, methodology, timescale, research outcomes, and personnel involved. The proposal should also make clear how the UKeiG funding is to be used.
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The last award was won by Dr Elisabeth Davenport of Napier University Business School. The award funded the development & evaluation of a demonstrator for a learning classifier system that improves retrieval from heterogeneous data sets.